Material Challenges for Reconstruction

The topic of our next workshop, „WAR DAMAGES – Material Challenges for Reconstruction,“ is highly relevant in today’s context.


  1. Jonathan Banz & Basil Roth  | Institute for Geodesy and Photogrammetry ETH Zurich, work spans the fields of architecture, art, and geomatics, initiated the „Mapping Ukraine“ project spring 2022, https://gseg.igp.ethz.ch/research0/applications/project-mapping-Ukraine.html
  2. Zub Lesya |  Candidate of Biological Sciences, senior researcher, head of the department at the Institute of Evolutionary Ecology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
  3. Farenyuk Gennadiy | Director of the SE „State Research Institute of Building Structures“, doctor of technical sciences, professor, active member of the Presidium of the Academy of Construction of Ukraine, acting project manager
  4. Stella Flatten | TU Braunschweig, research for collective memory / reconstruction, https://www.stellaflatten.com/

Special listener. Helen Ivanova | Deputy Chief of the Department of Socio-Economic Development of Territories of the Mykolaiv District Military Administration

Moderation: Anastasia Zhuravel

Simultaneous translation

Photo credit: Copyright Andriy Andriyenko/Associated Press