Workshop – Buildingmaterial HEMP


HOPE HOME | НАДIЯ (Re)construction project with renewable materials in UA – HEMP Speaker, Norbert Höpfer, Sergiy Kovalenkov, Werner Schönthaler, Oleksii Brusnitsyn, moderation: Adrienne

Workshop – Buildingmaterials FUNGI


Fungi and their compatibility with other building materials 22.04.2024 • Yova Yager | Ukrainian architect, author of a mycelium project • Yulia Byaletsk | CEO S.Lab-Sustainable Laboratory, Ukrainian start-up for sustainable and biodegradable packaging solutions made of mycelium • Prof. Dr. Vera Meyer | microbiologist TU Berlin researches among other things, on tinder sponge as a substitute for polystyrene • Natalija Miodragovic | architect, Excellence Cluster Matters of Activity, researches willows and fungi for use in building materials • Martin Rahmel | managing director der Chemical Invention Factory (CIF) at TU Berlin, John Warner Center for Start-ups in Green Chemistry • Prof. Sven Pfeiffer | department of digital design, planning and construction at Bochum Uni-versity, research project MY-CO-X, building with renewable materials • Prof. Dr. Hans-Hennig von Grünberg | professor for knowledge and technology transfer at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the University of Potsdam • students / PhD of the National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture Kyiv as listeners

Workshop building material SCHAFWOLLE


Workshops: SHEEP WOOL, Speaker Folke Köbberling, Berlin, Tobias Pörschke, Braunschweig, Volodymyr Aleksandrovich Klymenko, UA, Andreas Flock, Berlin, Kostraba Evgeny Dmytrovych, Mykolaiv, moderation: Manuel + SofiaSpecial listeners: Anna Kyrii, Natalija Miodragovic, Zaur Alyiv