
Germany | Ukraine

With HOPE HOME • НАДІЯ we are setting out to work the whole way: from the necessary decontamination of soils, the cultivation of biological building materials or the reuse of materials from destroyed houses, to the construction of model houses, all the way to scalability. Comprehensive in requirements. The accompanying step of company settlements in view.

Core TEAM Germany:

Adrienne Goehler, idea generator and curator of the pilot project HOPE HOME • НАДІЯ as a consequence of RECOMMENDED FOR IMITATION!: From showing to acting • Prof. Folke Köbberling artist and professor of architectural art at the TU Braunschweig, research focus on sheep’s wool, as a natural, compostable building material with high connectivity Dr. Norbert Höpfer Mineralogist and builder of tiny houses made of hemp lime, carbon negative, sand and cement free, vegan, transparent supply chain of raw materials • Natalija Miodragović Architect, Cluster of Excellence Mabers of Activity, researches willows and mushrooms for use in building materials • Alexa Kreißl Sculptor and doctoral candidate Leibniz-Wissenschags-Campus Postdigitale ParYzipaYon, Braunschweig, researches “Aesthetic transformation, potential and acceptance of used materials” • Prof. Eike Roswag-Klinge TU-Berlin, Head of Natural Building Lab, Constructive Design and climate-friendly architecture, sustainable architectural concepts made from natural building materials, especially wood and clay • Prof. Benjamin Foerster-Baldenius Architect, part of the Raumlabor collective, focus: Cohabitation, on the art of living together on a damaged planet, Städelschule Frankfurt • Angelina Davydova freelance journalist, member of Ukraine War Environmental Consequences Work Group, observer of the UN climate negotiations since 2008 • Dr. Manuel Rivera Sustainability sociologist and transformation researcher, Research Institute for Sustainability, Helmholtz Center Potsdam|RIFS

A multidisciplinary network of different people from both countries has already formed around these two core groups, who make their knowledge and experiences available to HOME HOPE • НАДІЯ. The network will grow to include residents, NGOs, people from the fields of crafts, agriculture, women’s networks, (alternative) construction, journalism

CORE TEAM Ukraine:

Sofiia Halat project manager Ukraine, architect Kyiv, currently PhD National University of Construction and Architecture, Lecturer in Materials Science • Helen Ivanova Deputy Head of the Department of Socio-Economic Development of the Territories of the Military Administration of Mykolaiv District • Eugene Kuzmenko Founder Start-up “Geodesic.Life”, ecological holiday homes with 90% natural building materials • Olga Terefeyeva Chamber of Architects of the National Union of Architects of Ukraine • Helena Kovalska Head of Faculty of Architectural Theory of the Kyiv University of Construction and Architecture • Yuri Androsiuk Founder of the NGO “Save Ukraine” and the “West-East Group of Companies” • Sergiy Kovalenkov joint CEO, CTO ” Hempire”, Head of the Ukrainian Hemp and Sustainability Business Association •

Supporting Network | since April 2024:

Maxim Kashuba Mykolaiv District Administration •Kyiv Chamber of Architects Mykolaiv District Administration Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture Kyiv National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture Theresa Keilhacker freelance architect, President of the Architects’ Chamber Berlin, Member of the Sustainable Building Commission at the Federal Environment Agency • Prof. Inken Baller architect, BDA Lifetime Achievement Award winner, former TU-Cottbus • Iryna Holovk, expert in green transformation, NGO sector, specialist in participation, sustainability in rural area • Prof. Dr. Vera Meyer biotechnologist, heads the Department of Applied and Molecular Microbiology at the Institute of Biotechnology at TU Berlin, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research projects, integration natural and engineering sciences with art, design, and architecture to create bio-based scenarios • Andreas Rieger architect, BDA Brandenburg • Christian Hiller & Markus Krieger editor at ARCH+, co-curator of “Open for Maintenance” German Pavilion, Venice Architecture Biennale and “The Great Repair”, Akademie der Künste, Berlin Lena E. Grabowski psychotraumatologist, collaboration with Save the Children, trauma-sensitive support for refugee children and families • Jonathan Banz Institute for Geodesy and Photogrammetry ETH Zurich, his work spans the fields of architecture, art, and geomatics, initiated the “Mapping Ukraine” project spring 2022 • Basil Roth Institute for Geodesy and Photogrammetry ETH Zurich, initiated the “Mapping Ukraine” project spring 2022 • Bernhard Clasen Ukraine correspondent for several German daily newspapers on the environment and human rights • Prof. Dr. Jörg Haspel Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the German Foundation for Monument Protection • Dr. Anja Steglich & Dr. Grit Bürgow StadtManufaktur TU Berlin, founders of Roof Water-Farm: Water recycling, food production via aquaponics and hydroponics • Regula Lüscher Dipl. Arch. ETH/BDA Senate Building Director, Former State Secretary Berlin • Prof.Dr.-Ing. Michael Staffa,Tragwerkslehre,  hier auch: Holz- und Brückenbau, Mitglied bei Ingenieur Baukunst e.V., Büro ifb• Werner Schönthaler manufacturer hempstones, South TyrolAnna Iskierdo co-founder of AIMM architectural bureau, Architect of the year 2017, best design company 2019 Anna KyriiDeputy Head of the Union of Architects, Head of ANNA KYRII ARCHITECTURAL PROJECTING GROUP Yevheniia Aratovska Social entrepreneur, founder of the “No Waste Ukraine“ NGO Kosia ntyn Kovshevatskyi Chief Editor of Pragmaika Media, leading architecture magazineAndreas Flock Architect and expert in preventive fire protection • Katerina Krolenko, Bachelor of Physics, Leading technologist KNUiTSh, Founder of RnD, Synthesis of programmable bioplastics for further use in design, establishes the fungi laboratory at KNUCA