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This project is funded by the German Federal Environment Ministry’s Advisory Assistance Programme (AAP) for environmental protection in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia and other countries neighbouring the European Union. It is supervised by the German Environment Agency (UBA)

Dear network, dear supporters of HOPE HOME • НАДІЯ,
dear fans and friends

this Friday the core team of HOPE HOME • НАДІЯ is leaving for Kyiv for the first personal week of work together with our colleagues from Ukraine, Chamber of Architects Kyiv

We are starting phase 2 of the project

  • From the Zoom workshops of phase 1, the respective experts from UA/D will give workshops with students on straw, hemp, clay, wood, willow, sheep’s wool, all known from earlier, pre-Soviet times, but buried as knowledge and skills, and two further workshops on re-use materials (tetra packs and grenade casings)
  • We will set up a mushroom laboratory at the local university, FB Arch., for the production of mushroom building blocks with the question of the extent to which mushrooms are able to be used as a composite with straw from Mykolaiv, to contain war debris so that it no longer poses a threat to the environment, people, and nature.
  • Both teams will spend a day and a half with the head of the military administration of the Mykolaiv district, a senior official who has been present at every Zoom since the beginning, and potential residents to find out about potential locations, the type of approach, requirements, and criteria. The goal is to rebuild a village in the Mykolaiv district using biological materials, but also to heal houses if they are not contaminated with asbestos. (80% of all village roofs, old and new, are made of asbestos…)

Ausblick ab Winter 24-25

 Phase 3 •  Entstehung eines dreisprachigen Materialbuchs 

 Phase 4 •  Bauen mit all den Materialien an dem dann gefundenen Ort im District Mykolaiv 
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